Sports Nutritionist, Bodybuilding Coach and FMG Pro Tammie Sarkozy!
Meet Tammie! She’s a highly motivated FMG Pro Fitness model and a passionate women’s bodybuilding coach.
Since competing in her first figure show in 2011, Tammie has achieved great results both nationally and internationally, in multiple shows. She also competed in a team at the 2016 CrossFit games. In the past few years, Tammie has returned to bodybuilding and changed divisions with her latest accomplishment being receiving her FMG Pro card. She is working hard towards competing in a future FMG Pro fitness show.
Tammie’s love for everything health and fitness shows in her coaching. Over the last decade, she has coached countless women worldwide, helping them to move better, feel stronger, and unlock the inner potential they didn't know they had. Since having a baby, Tammie has found a new love for helping mums regain their confidence and empower themselves through exercise.
Tammie is a qualified Sports Nutritionist adding to her already extensive repertoire of coaching skills and services.

Hi, I'm Tammie
I'm all about helping people live better and find their potential
I have been extremely lucky to have had Olympic level coaches (from gymnastics to weightlifting) over the last 10 years who all play an enormous part in influencing me with my skills (both athletic and coaching).
In 2019 I upped my game and became an accredited Sports Nutritionist (Sports Nutrition Australia).
As well as coaching women worldwide, I'm an ex-figure competitor and current Pro fitness model with FMG.
I began as a figure competitor in 2011 and scored multiple Australian titles, a World Title (Las Vegas) and Miss Figure Universe Pro (2014 Miami, Florida). My most recent achievement was 2019 where I was awarded my Pro card with FMG as a Pro Fitness Model.
I've since had some time off to pursue another side of life and start a family - my son is my most amazing and rewarding achievement to date.
During those initial years of bodybuilding, I also turned to competitive powerlifting to stack on some muscle.
After my success in Miami, I changed direction and moved into CrossFit where I fell in DEEP, so deep I ended up competing in the 2016 CrossFit Games as a team. I loved it, every part of this style of training, the community and the challenge.
2019 rolled around with a bunch of injuries and glandular fever, forcing me to leave CrossFit and find another way to train - where I turned back to bodybuilding, leading to now with my most recent title of Miss Fitness Diva Pro (2019).
As a coach, athlete and a mum, I use my own personal experience and accomplishments to help others upgrade their lives with better health, confidence and success in pursuing their own dreams.
These are some of the supplements I use and recommend.

Protein Matrix+
Why I love it: Stacked with protein and tastes amazing!
How I use it: I have it every morning in a smoothie. I blend it with a frozen banana. The blend of WPI and WPC makes the smoothie so creamy - I love it!

Quick Protein Oats Multi Pack
Why I love it: Quick Protein Oats are so convenient for holidays! They come in sachets so they're easy to pack and you know the serving size. I always train on holidays, so these are perfect for me!
How I use it: With water and a smidge of milk.

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs)
Why I love it: I coach so many vegan and vegetarian clients who lack EAAs in their current supps and diet. Adding this to their plan ensures they are supplying their body with complete proteins to grow!
How I use it: Throw it in a smoothie or shot it with a glass of water.
Training Schedule
My training changes all the time.
- 5 days week, 60 mins per session
- 2 x lower body (heavy glute focus)
- 2 x upper + 5-10 mins added HIIT/functional training
- 1 x Crossfit class (Saturdays are for social workouts!)

My Approach to Nutrition
I am a massive fan of macro plans. I love the flexibility, I never feel like I'm 'dieting' no matter what phase of training I'm in. I've eaten ice cream every night for the past 5 years and still winning!
My Day on a Plate
Breakfast/Pre-workout meal:
- 1 scoop Protein Matrix+ + 1 frozen banana + 1/4 scoop Collagen Protein and handful of ice
- Muesli bar
- 1 x Turkesterone tablet
- I dose up on carbs and protein to support my energy for a solid training session
Post-workout meal:
- Large oat milk cappaccino
- 1/2 cup Greek yoghurt + 1/3 cup granola + 1/2 cup grapes + 1/2 banana + heaped tbsn Peanut Butter
- This meal is also loaded with carbs to support recovery (from training)
- 2 cups Kaleslaw with baked chicken or tin of tuna with Tbsn feta
- Afternoon Tea
- Snack pack Shapes
- Apple
- Piece of toast with 1/2 tspb butter and heaped tspn Nutella
- 125g salmon/rib eye steak
- Salad with mixed lettuce, shredded carrot and beetroot with 25 g feta + handful green grapes - dressing is lemon juice and 1 tspn olive oil
- 350g Spud Lite potato baked in the oven as chips
- Connoisseur ice cream/Drumstick
Before bed:
- 1 x Ashwagandha
- 1 x ZMA
What is my average daily calorie intake? About 2500kcals.
Foods I avoid... I loathe diet soft drinks.
Foods I crave... Chocolate - coz - female.
My ultimate cheat meal is... Homemade pizza. I love doing Sat nights with 'dinner and movies' at home.

Latest Results
Have you had any exceptional results (in competitions or otherwise) in the last few years? Let us know what they are!
I'm working towards my Pro Debut with FMG.
I recently had a baby (Feb 2023) and after 12 months of training at 1/4 of the intensity I'm used it, it's now good to be back.
I will keep working on building the best physique possible to get to that Pro stage (give it a year or two, and I'll be there!).
Have you had any exceptional results (in competitions or otherwise) in the last few years?
I am proud to say I trained the entire duration of pregnancy (2022-2023) right up until the day went into labour.
I learnt so much about my body and now have an entirely new amount of respect for women!
Having been able to exercise throughout pregnancy supported a solid recovery from birth and I was able to exercise as soon as 3 weeks postpartum.
I am beyond grateful for a body that has allowed me to achieve this. To me, it's even more valuable than any of the trophies I've won!