Fitness Model and Functional Trainer.. Meet Chelsea Reid!
Chelsea started competing to show she could stick to a solid training program and a healthy diet. After having 2 daughters, her attention shifted to simply balancing life as a busy single mum.
Get to know Chelsea below!

Hey, I'm Chelsea. Otherwise Known as FITMUM!
Over the past 10 years, I've competed in many Fitness Model competitions, including here in Tasmanian, and right up to the tip of Australia, in Darwin!
I first started competing to prove to myself that I could stick to a training program and a healthy diet. Once I had kids, my attention quickly shifted to showing my two daughters the satisfaction that comes from setting a goal and sticking to it, because if you know anything about this type of competition, it's that you miss out on a lot of social occasions and chocolate.
I have now finished competing, and my current focus is on balancing life as a busy single mum.
I love Bulk Nutrients for its wide variety, of not only protein powders but the health and wellbeing products they have available for myself and my kids!
These are some of the Bulk products I use and love...

Quick Protein Pancakes
Why I love it: My daughters love them for a Saturday morning treat!
How I use it: We have them with mixed berries, Greek yoghurt, shaved almonds and shredded coconut.

Cognitone - Switched on Performance
Why I love it: Helps me focus as a busy mum!
How I use it: Simply with water.