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Do You Have to Do Cardio to Lose Weight?

Do you have to do cardio to lose weight?

Do you need cardio for weight loss?

The simple answer is no!

But if you want a bit more of an explanation as to why, and also the best cardio for weight loss, then this blog is absolutely for you.

Cardio haters will be rejoicing because cardio isn’t essential for weight loss, despite the common belief that you need to engage in it. Weight loss is primarily driven by maintaining a calorie deficit – consuming fewer calories than you burn. Some say that weight loss starts in the kitchen or that a diet is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. What is meant by that is simple – if you’re fuelling your body the right way and you’re conscious in consuming the right macro and micronutrients, if you’re consuming in a calorie deficit and you’re exercising as well – you should see a difference.

While cardio is an effective way to burn more calories, it’s not the only path to weight loss.

Why do people say you need cardio to lose weight?

Cardio exercises have long been known as a good way to help you lose weight – they often tend to get your heart rate up and into a fat burning zone quicker, meaning you’re able to burn calories. While cardio can help you lose weight, it’s not the be-all and end-all – other forms of exercise, like strength training, can also be effective in aiding weight loss if, as a collective, you’re doing the ‘right thing’.

The key is understanding how fat loss works and choosing the right approach to help you hit your goals.

Bulk Nutrients Ambassador Helena Sly in the gym with resistance band

Understanding how you lose weight – through a calorie deficit

Before we share our tips on the best cardio exercises for weight loss, it’s important to understand the basic principle of weight loss that we spoke about above – the calorie deficit.

Even if you’re doing hours of cardio and other exercises per day, if you eat more calories than you burn overall, you’ll be going backward. Fat loss happens when your body has no choice but to tap into its fat stores for energy, and this only occurs when you have a consistent calorie deficit.

A routine that combines a calorie deficit, strength training, and cardio exercises is one way to help you lose weight, as it will help boost your metabolism while building lean muscle – leading to burning more calories while you’re not exercising. That’s right – even if you’re just sitting at a desk, if you’ve been working on building lean muscle you’ll be burning more calories. Cardio helps you burn fat, but strength training can help you do it around the clock.

The short version? Does cardio burn fat? Yes. But it’s only when combined with a calorie deficit – if you’re not in a calorie deficit, cardio might make you feel fitter, but it won’t help you lose weight. Cardio will create a bigger calorie burn, but if you’re matching that with a higher food intake that balances out… and not in the way you’re looking for!

Bulk Nutrients Ambassadors Nicola Macbeth box jump in gym

Not all cardio is created equal

You might be wondering… what is the best cardio for fat loss? Well, while any form of cardio is usually a good thing if you’re looking to add cardio for weight loss, the right type of exercise is crucial.

Here are some of the best cardio exercises for weight loss that will not only help you burn fat but leave you feeling better and improving your overall fitness:

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The worst nightmare of some – including your fat storage! When it comes to the best cardio for weight loss, HIIT comes out on top. HIIT for weight loss involves alternating between short bursts of intense activity with brief recovery periods, often used to switch up to different exercises. Several popular gym and exercise chains have started under this premise.

HIIT not only burns a high number of calories during a workout but also keeps your metabolism elevated afterward, helping you continue towards your weight loss goals. HIIT is an effective cardio for weight loss because it encourages fat burning once a workout is over.

HIIT workouts often include sprinting, cycling, and bodyweight exercises like jump squats, lunges, and burpees. HIIT is effective cardio for fat loss for people of any exercise level and experience.

Running for weight loss

Is running good for fat loss? It definitely can be! Running is one of the most basic forms of cardio, and if done correctly it burns a lot of calories in a short period of time. Whether you’re jogging long-distance, a weekend Parkrun, or doing sprint intervals at the track, running is a top choice for fat burning. It’s also one of the most accessible forms of cardio because you can do it anywhere – whether you prefer a treadmill at the gym or the weather suits you to do it outside!

Running can lead to muscle loss if it’s done in excess without the right nutrition, so balance your routine with strength training and the right foods and supplements.

Get on your bike!

Cycling is one of the best aerobic exercises for weight loss because it’s highly effective and tends to be fairly gentle on the joints. Whether you’re a regular at a spin class or have a bike to help you hit the roads or the mountains, cycling is a great form of cardio for weight loss that can also encourage you to explore new areas where you live.

For a more intensive calorie burning workout, try increasing the resistance or try interval cycling to mimic a HIIT workout – or add in cycling to your HIIT session! Cycling is a great exercise for weight loss and can help improve your cardiovascular health while you’re at it.

Time to take a dip

Swimming is an effective, full-body cardio exercise for weight loss. Being in the water is good for the joints, and it’s highly effective for fat loss—it engages your entire body and increases your heart rate. Water also helps to reduce strain by supporting your body weight, making swimming a great choice for people with injuries.

Hop, skip, and a jump rope!

That’s right – skipping rope isn’t just for schoolyard fun – it’s a really fast, fun, and effective form of cardio for weight loss. In just a few minutes, you can work up a sweat and engage many muscle groups. This is definitely one for the coordinated people amongst us!

Bulk Nutrients Ambassador Nicole Frain on the bike riding

Balancing cardio with strength training for weight loss

While cardio can definitely help you lose weight, it shouldn’t be your sole strategy if you want to maintain or build muscle as well. Strength training should be a part of your fitness plan because it does help to boost your metabolism. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue – aka the more muscle you have, the more calories you’re able to burn!

But does cardio burn muscle? Excessive cardio, along with not eating enough calories, can lead to muscle loss. To avoid this, balance your cardio with strength workouts and make sure you’re consuming a good number of calories with the right nutrition, including protein! This will help you achieve a lean and toned look.

Is cardio bad for muscle gain? It depends on the intensity and duration—short, intense cardio sessions like HIIT are less likely to interfere with muscle building than longer cardio exercises. If your primary goal is to gain muscle, you’d need to consider limiting the frequency of your cardio sessions.

Bulk Nutrients Ambassador Chelsea Reid walking in the gym

In conclusion… Cardio is effective for weight loss, but it’s not essential

You don’t have to do cardio for weight loss, but it can be a very effective tool when combined with a balanced diet involving a calorie deficit and some strength training.

If you add in the best cardio for fat loss, exercise like HIIT, running and cycling, you’ll be able to burn more calories and shed fat faster.

A calorie deficit is the most important factor for fat and weight loss. Cardio can help speed up the process, but it’s not the be-all and end-all.

Bulk Nutrients Expert Dayne Hudson

Dayne Hudson

Like many, Dayne was once desperate to lose weight and get into shape. But everyone he asked, everything he read, lead to the same place... nowhere.

His journey started there - researching science journals and completing a Sports Nutrition Specialist qualification so he could make weight loss easier.


  1. Strasser B, Spreitzer A, Haber P. Fat loss depends on energy deficit only, independently of the method for weight loss. Ann NutrMetab. 2007;51(5):428-32. doi: 10.1159/000111162. Epub 2007 Nov 20. PMID: 18025815.
  2. Wewege, M.A., Desai, I., Honey, C. et al. The Effect of Resistance Training in Healthy Adults on Body Fat Percentage, Fat Mass and Visceral Fat: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med 52, 287–300 (2022).
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