Troubleshooting Protein Powders and Desserts

Quick Protein Oats
Quick Protein Oats are dependent on cooking in your microwave, which means they solely rely on your own device settings. It’s important to cook on ‘high’ when the directions tell you to, and if you’re not sure what your microwave cooks like, perhaps cook a little under the allocated time, check, then cook a little more.
Here’s how to perfect our protein oats.
My protein oats are gluggy
Overcooking any oats will make them a thick mix that you can stand your spoon up in. To prevent this, it’s important to cook for the recommended time or just under if you have a strong microwave. You could also opt to add more liquid at the start of the cooking process and if you haven’t cooked them too far, you can rectify your oats by adding more water or milk after cooking and stirring through.
My protein oats boiled over
When you put your bowl in the microwave, was it so full that you had to be careful you kept it level? You might need to get a bigger bowl. Not only do oats expand as they cook, but they can also bubble a bit as they release hot air. So switch to a bigger bowl.
My protein oats are too runny
Similar to ‘gluggy' oats, your microwave may be a bit weaker in power than the alternative of overcooking and having a strong one!
Try cooking for a bit longer at 20-second intervals. Also worth considering is if you interrupted the cooking numerous times to check. If you do this you will let all the hot air out and delay cooking, so just let it work its magic.
If you use chilled cold water or milk as appose to general tap/room temperature liquid you may also need a little longer as the liquid will take longer to reach a higher temperature and start the cooking process.
Troubleshooting Protein Hot
Not much can go wrong with Protein Hot, We recently have updated our recipe so now you can simply add a scoop of Protein Hot to a mug and pour in boiling water while mixing.
The perfect Protein Hot!
However, if you find your Protein Hot isn’t mixing properly or isn’t completely smooth, try mixing the powder with a small amount of cold water to form a paste before slowly adding boiling water and mixing at intervals.
The take-home message
So, it’s important to remember there can be a handful of reasons why your protein treats or protein powder might not be working as you envisioned. Try some adjustments and you might be quickly pleased! If in doubt, we are here to help! Let us know your own troubleshooting tips and tricks.

Formerly working as part of Bulk Nutrients R&D team for many years, Nicole Frain is a food scientist, personal trainer and a professional international cyclist.
She's applied her learnings at the national stage for bodybuilding, and has several qualifications in Food Science, Nutrition and Business!
More about Nicole Frain