AM and PM Burner

What is in AM Burner?
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Acetyl L-Carnitine has been used in many forms over the last 20+ years and would have to be one of the most popular “bases” of a good fat burning supplement. It has been suggested that this amino acid has a direct effect on thermogenesis and assist the body in utilising its fat stores for energy.
On a cellular level, the presence of Carnitine in the form of supplementation does induce enzymatic changes that do make the potency of the beta-oxidation pathway increase when paired with exercise.
Those conducting this research have noted a slight trend towards fat oxidation after exercise (as assessed by respiratory quotient).
In AM Burner, we have included Acetyl L-Carnitine at a dose of 1500mg
Green Tea Extract
The active ingredients of Green Tea Extract are catechins., with the most potent being ECGC. These are said to work by increasing energy expenditure as well as direct fat metabolism effects.
Green tea extract has received significant attention in human subjects over the last 2 decades. Two separate literature reviews (Thielecke and Boschman, 2009; Rains et al., 2011) assessed a combined 20 publications, all of which were in agreeance with increased resting energy expenditure, with over half also reporting increased fat utilization as an energy substrate and decreased body weight.
Studies utilised dosages of up to 1200mg of catechins and up to 1200mg of EGCG, however, the average dosage amongst the surveyed studies is approximately 300mg EGCG, with higher doses not correlating to further increases in energy expenditure.
While the first two studies related to weight loss and direct effects on fat oxidization, the last study relates to lowering LDL levels, another significant benefit of green tea extract.
The dose used in AM and PM Burner is 250mg, please note we use a very high ECGC content Green Tea Extract.
Although caffeine has been widely studied in many contexts and is a compound most people are very familiar with (and take every day), several studies have focused on caffeine and weight loss in humans, most of which are relatively recent.
Caffeine increases mental stimulation, systematic catecholamine release and sympathetic neural stimulation. Thus leading to increased blood pressure and lipolysis, with an increase in plasma free fatty acid concentrations.
Further to that, research has also shown caffeine has demonstrated its role in increasing metabolic rate, energy expenditure (EE), lipid oxidation and lipolytic and thermogenic activities (Acheson et al., 2004; Ballard et al., 2006; Dallas et al., 2008). A recent study (Rudelle et al., 2007) saw an increased 24 hour EE of 79kcal/day from 300mg/day caffeine consumption. Caffeine consequently results in increased cyclic-AMP and Norepinephrine, which continually stimulates adrenoreceptors (Dulloo et al., 1999; Dulloo et al., 2000; Westerterp-Plantenga et al., 2006).
A recent review by Heckman et al. (2010) highlighted the safety and efficacy of using caffeine as a weight loss aid, as well as in CVD and Diabetes type 2. Dulloo et al., (1989) reported a 109 and 78kcal/day increase in energy expenditure in lean and obese patients respectively administered 600mg caffeine.
The following studies report the benefits of Caffeine for different functions.
Please note, the dosage of Caffeine in AM Burner is 150mg
Forskolin is a more recently discussed and tested ingredient, and it is suggested that it increases cellular levels of an enzyme called cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
Elevated cAMP levels are associated with increased rates of fat loss and can also improve the effects of other fat-burning compounds.
Forskolin is still being researched for its effects on testosterone and fat loss, but initial research results are promising.
Several preliminary reports have examined the effects of forskolin on body composition, mostly in women, with success.
While the majority of these studies show a significant reduction in body fat (Bhagwat et al., 2004; Badmaev et al., 2002; Tsuguyoshi, 2004), (Kreider et al., 2002) shows a reduction in body mass.
It has been suggested forskolin also has a positive effect on testosterone (Valenti et al., 1995; Valenti et al., 2001), Godard et al. (2005) supported this notion with evidence.
The studies by Godard et al. (2005) utilised 250mg of 10% forskolin and reported an increase in testosterone and a decrease in body fat percentage and fat mass. Forskolin has limited evidence; however, the evidence does suggest it to be effective in reducing body fat percentage.
The dosage of Forskolin in AM and PM Burner is 50mg, however as we use a 20% version, the active constituent levels should be identical to a 10% version at 100mg.
Chromium’s main mechanism is directly tied to chromodulin. Chromodulin, a protein, normally augments the hormonal response to increased glucose levels in the bloodstream. If this protein is impaired, the ability of these hormones to work in the body is greatly reduced.
The effects of chromium picolinate have been widely studied. Several randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trials exist which suggest a slight decrease in body weight in chromium supplemented groups, as shown by a review by Pittler et al., 1999.
In a systematic review of chromium supplementation from 36 randomized controlled trials, Balk et al. (2007) found that lipid metabolism was not significantly affected, however fasting glucose was lowered in chromium supplemented groups. Another study worth noting is demonstrating the effect of chromium on food intake and food cravings.
The dosage of Chromium used in AM and PM Burner is 1mg (1000mcg) a similar amount to that used in studies.
Citrus Aurantium
Citrus Aurantium has been shown to decrease energy intake and energy absorption, as well as increasing metabolic rate.
It is a beta-agonist, so works via increasing lipolysis. Citrus Aurantium also has alpha-adrenergic antagonist capabilities. Affecting both the A1 and A2 receptors, albeit with a different potency.
It is said to have similar, but more mild effects to Ephedra, which is not available in Australia due to safety concerns.
Glucomannan Fibre
Rather than having a direct effect on weight loss, Glucommanan Fibre affects satiety (feeling of fullness) as well as an improvement in glucose uptake and cholesterol.
Many users have discussed the fact Glucommanan Fibre makes them feel “full”, possibly due to its water-attracting capabilities and usage as a thickener – it expands as it makes contact with liquid.
The studies below do not only show Glucommanan Fibres direct effect on reducing cholesterol, effective weight loss and satiety but also cover other important factors, which would likely contribute to weight loss, particularly when combined with ingredients that have a direct action.
Fucoxanthin (concentrated seaweed extract)
Seaweed has long been a regular part of the Japanese diet with an average dose of 5g consumed daily by Japanese citizens. While the health benefits of seaweed extract and its active constituents such as fucoxanthin are not fully understood, it is suggested that amongst other benefits these are effective for weight loss and weight management.
A daily dosage of 2.4-8mg fucoxanthin has shown benefit in some human studies over a prolonged period of time, and while within this range the benefits are dose-dependent higher doses have not been tested sufficiently.
Study on women over 16 weeks demonstrating weight loss, reduction of liver fat and a substantial increase in base metabolic rate, as well as a reduction in blood glucose.

Ingredients unique to PM Burner
The ingredients detailed above are used in both AM and PM Burner, except for those that have strong stimulatory action, caffeine and higenamine.
As many users find such ingredients can prohibit sleep, we have omitted these while adding the following ingredients, which we feel have good functionality in the PM Burner.
L Tryptophan
L Tryptophan is a compound that gets converted into serotonin when in the brain.
Serotonin is one of the principal neurotransmitters involved in happiness and anti-depression, and the theory is that when these levels are adequate (or enhanced from baseline) a feeling of satisfaction will be met.
As feeling satisfied and not yearning for food is a large part of weight control, L Tryptophan has a significant purpose here.
The following research looks at the use of L Tryptophan in weight loss and appetite suppression.
The dosage of L Tryptophan used in PM Burner is 100mg.
- Abidov, M., Ramazanov, Z., Seifulla, R. and Grachev, S., 2010. The effects of Xanthigenâ¢in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 12(1), pp.72-81.
- Anton, S., Morrison, C., Cefalu, W., Martin, C., Coulon, S., Geiselman, P., Han, H., White, C. and Williamson, D., 2008. Effects of Chromium Picolinate on Food Intake and Satiety. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 10(5), pp.405-412.
- Astrup, A., Toubro, S., Cannon, S., Hein, P., Breum, L. and Madsen, J., 1990. Caffeine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51(5), pp.759-767.
- Godard, M., Johnson, B. and Richmond, S., 2005. Body Composition and Hormonal Adaptations Associated with Forskolin Consumption in Overweight and Obese Men. Obesity Research, 13(8), pp.1335-1343.
- Gorostiaga, E., Maurer, C. and Eclache, J., 1989. Decrease in Respiratory Quotient During Exercise Following L-Carnitine Supplementation. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 10(03), pp.169-174.
- Jagtap, M., Ravishankar, B. and Chandola, H., 2011. Clinical efficacy of Coleus forskohlii (Willd.) Briq. (Makandi) in hypertension of geriatric population. AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 32(1), p.59.
- Karanth, J. and Jeevaratnam, K., 2010. Effect of Carnitine Supplementation on Mitochondrial Enzymes in Liver and Skeletal Muscle of Rat After Dietary Lipid Manipulation and Physical Activity. Indian J Exp Biol, 48(5), pp.503-10.
- Kim, T., Shin, Y., Lee, J., Min, Y. and Yang, H., 2011. Caffeine Increases Sweating Sensitivity via Changes in Sudomotor Activity During Physical Loading. Journal of Medicinal Food, 14(11), pp.1448-1455.
- Mercader, J., Wanecq, E., Chen, J. and Carpéné, C., 2011. Isopropylnorsynephrine is a stronger lipolytic agent in human adipocytes than synephrine and other amines present in Citrus aurantium. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 67(3), pp.443-452.
- Patel, K., Frank, K., Lopez, G. and Willis, B., 2019. Caffeine Research Analysis. [online]
- Patel, K., Frank, K., Lopez, G. and Willis, B., 2018. L-DOPA Research Analysis. [online]
- Patel, K., Frank, K., Lopez, G. and Willis, B., 2018. Phytochemical Research Analysis. [online]
- Salas-Salvadó, J., Farrés, X., Luque, X., Narejos, S., Borrell, M., Basora, J., Anguera, A., Torres, F., Bulló, M. and Balanza, R., 2008. Effect of two doses of a mixture of soluble fibres on body weight and metabolic variables in overweight or obese patients: a randomised trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 99(6), pp.1380-1387.
- Scalfi, L., Coltori, A., D'Arrigo, E., Carandente, V., Mazzancano, C., Di Palo, M. and Contaldo, F., 1987. Effect of Dietary Fibre on Postprandial Thermogenesis. International Journal of Obesity, 11(1), pp.95-9.
- Shukla, K., Mahdi, A., Ahmad, M., Jaiswar, S., Shankwar, S. and Tiwari, S., 2010. Mucuna pruriensReduces Stress and Improves the Quality of Semen in Infertile Men. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 7(1), pp.137-144.
- Thielecke, F., Rahn, G., Böhnke, J., Adams, F., Birkenfeld, A., Jordan, J. and Boschmann, M., 2010. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and postprandial fat oxidation in overweight/obese male volunteers: a pilot study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(7), pp.704-713.
- Wang, H., Wen, Y., Du, Y., Yan, X., Guo, H., Rycroft, J., Boon, N., Kovacs, E. and Mela, D., 2009. Effects of Catechin Enriched Green Tea on Body Composition. Obesity, 18(4), pp.773-779.