Why We Lab Test Our Protein

Why is Lab Testing Important?
In Australia all food safety and labelling requirements are regulated by FSANZ. While the legislation is clear, our experience is that it’s not often checked or followed up on. There are plenty of legitimate Australian companies, but unfortunately, quite a few who are not so scrupulous.
So how can you ensure the product you are purchasing is of the standard, and protein purity you are paying for? Check the lab tests!
While seasonal variances can occur, based on the nutrition in the grass the cattle are grazing on for example, and where in the world it is sourced, customers should have faith that the product they’re purchasing has the ingredients and protein amounts it states.
Lab testing can be undertaken at a variety of accredited laboratories, but Bulk Nutrients sends our products to the National Measurement Institute (NMI).
NMI is a government department that undertakes a variety of scientific testing and is Australia’s peak measurement body responsible for biological, chemical, legal, physical, and chemical trade measurement.
NMI uses the industry standard Kjedahl Nitrogen test for protein, which is an international standard for measuring protein.
Having a product lab tested essentially means that a customer knows exactly what their product contains – and has the confidence they’re taking the right product to help achieve their goals.

Why Bulk Nutrients Lab Tests Regularly
Basically, it has always been our value to be honest and transparent with our customers. We started back when it wasn’t uncommon to see products making outrageous claims, and we could see that many people just wanted to know what was in their products and in what dose.
Our early customers will remember our slogan “Putting an end to the proprietary blend!”
Here at Bulk, we believe in honesty and accurate representation of the product that we manufacture and distribute to our customers.
When it comes to displaying results we adhere to the “as is” approach, not the “dry basis” method as that can be misleading – because products are consumed as is, not without moisture removed. We believe in honesty and transparency and align with Food Safety Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) standards.
While we regularly lab test our products and have results on our website as far back as 2014, we encourage you to take control of testing protein too. We offer an independent testing service, where you can send a sample of any protein you’ve purchased to the NMI lab for verification, allowing you to ensure the accuracy of the products you’re consuming with peace of mind.
To learn more about the process, or have your protein sampled – take a look at our handy dandy Protein Testing FAQ’s!
We know the specs of all our products when we purchase them and we display our independent test results on the product pages. We aim for all products to be within 3% of the NIP, due to seasonal variations we do occasionally have products that are within 5% and if a product falls outside this we take action – whether it’s updating labels or checking raw goods.

How Often Do Bulk Nutrients Lab Test Their Products?
Every month, at least 4 of our protein products are sent to be lab tested to determine their protein percentage. The test results show we can back up the protein claims that we have on our product labels.
We continue to pay for these tests to be undertaken as it allows us to show our dedication to quality and ensure we’re delivering the purest products possible.
When you’re looking at purchasing a product, ideally you’d see it being tested roughly every six months to cover potential changes in suppliers. A test that’s over 2 years old will have no relevance to the current product you’re purchasing!

Why Don’t Bulk Nutrients Test More Often?
We think we’ve hit the sweet spot for testing. We buy large volumes of product, and so we will be using the same batch of raw ingredients for many of our products. You could have a supplier deliver 20 tonnes of protein – all from the same batch, and there is no point testing the same batch over and over.
We test frequently enough to ensure quality and transparency, but not so frequently that it causes too much additional cost.

What Do Bulk Nutrients Lab Test?
We rotate through our products and flavours to ensure we have our whole range tested, including dairy and non-dairy proteins. If we are looking to change our protein supply, we’ll test before acceptance, or more frequently when it’s new. In addition to testing to verify protein levels, we test to check microbiological levels, heavy metals and other factors that demonstrate we comply with health and safety standards. We also test a part of our range through the HASTA certification system to test for ASADA and WADA banned substances.
Our lab test reports include the product name, flavour, batch number and use-by date. The tests on our site can be matched to the product you receive.

Where Do I Find Bulk Nutrients’ Lab Test Results?
We publish results here when receive them each month as well as on each of the product’s page, so you can transparently see how pure our proteins are.

Ebony is our resident wordsmith here at Bulk! A reforming journalist and a graduate of the University of Tasmania, she's our resident copywriter, cat mum, pilates princess and (self appointed) Chief Swiftie!
More about Ebony Abblitt